
The Cellardoorsal Fin Diaries

So firstly I apologize for the lack of updates, Ive just been far to busy living... Living hard.
So hard Ive been trying to find new places to get well loose, So on a drunken stumble of a car drive home, we decided The Queer Pub was the best option....

Some pics from the evening
Most definitely the most well groomed gay men at the party, These guys deserved an Award of some sort, if Scottie was around they might have been able to get some "Pipi Neus", but thats another story.

Obviously drunk girls at then gay bar, They go with their gay friends cos they feel safer at a gay bar, (without the overcrowding of guys trying to hit on them) Little do they know that their is an elite group people that work with this, They wait for the pray to get drunk, they see hot gay guys around and realize they not gotten get any, Then Bam! The elites rock up, next thing you know flocks of woman (the straight ones) all over them like nuns on Elvis... I even remember an elite quote that night, It was from an elite to a dancing lady ...
"Hey, your'e coming home with me"
she replies "only If I can bring my sister... SISTER, we going!"

I got too drunk for the dirty dancers...
More evidence

I seriously never knew the cops were behind me. I love gay cops.
Calling up Bruno, now that the cops are gone.

My Mates have been with me the entire time, and they shall remain...

I'll have some stories up tomorrow and after Durban this weekend.
Enjoy these pics for now, Im well tired.... Whiskey


Road Side Gas

We left Alexandria (Egypt) today and headed to Mansourri. The road was a bit sketchy and desolate for the most part. We stopped on the side of the road for what I thought was going to be direction.... next minute this dude starts filling our tank out of bottles... strange to say the least. ANyway, this gave me a chance to take some pics of the dudes running the "gas station". Enjoy.

Father and son. Oh and in case you were wandering, yes the dad is missing a leg.


Taking Advantage

So pretty much from the moment we arrived in Egypt we've been looking for a badass party to go to. Sure we had some good times in the apartment but we were looking for something a little more like a rad club or pub to go to. This proved to be a lot harder than we thought... until 2 nights ago!

The guy that has hired us to do the Mountain Dew demos has been amped on the shows we putting on so decided to take us to the, as he put it, "hottest venue in Cairo"... We had no idea what to expect, but knew that it should be good. It was. We all felt a little strange as we got there cos everyone was dressed in fancy clothes and shit and we don't have clothes like that so we just dressed normal. The first thing they say to us is "order from this table so it be on our bill, and order what ever you want".... not a great move on their part. The first thing Christi ordered for us was a bottle of Vodka and told the waiter to keep the red bulls coming until the bottle was finished. Another bottle was ordered as soon as the first was finished. The owner of the club, a typically greasy/creepy looking dude, joined us for most of the night and kept the shots coming. We also found out some time during the night that the bottles of Vodka we drank were LE1500 each (1500 Egyptian pounds = R2100 or $270)

Anyway, after swiping a bottle of Johnnie Walker black from a table on our way out we made our way home in a cab. The driver must have hated us... we were proper fucked.

Here are some pics we took when we got back to the apartment. Once again... Enjoy.

Morning After...